Car Accidents Attorneys in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
In Philadelphia and the surrounding areas, many people are injured or killed in car accidents every year. Car accidents are considered one of the main cause of preventable death.
Whether you were the driver or passenger in a car accident, or a pedestrian involved in a car accident, you may be entitled to compensation for pain, suffering and injury. Especially if the accident was not your fault.
Claims involved in an auto accident may include:
Claims for uninsured driver
Claims for serious injuries
Claims for medical cost and expenses
Claims regarding loss of income due to accident
Claims from defective vehicles
Claims for pedestrians involved in car accidents
In South Philly, legal assistance for victims of a car accident must find representation when an accident happens that was not their fault. Claiming compensation for a car accident in South Philadelphia and surrounding areas that was not your fault and caused injury or harm is important so that you are not left with any losses that you didn't cause.
Insurance companies sometimes wind up covering medical expense; however, a personal injury specialist law firm understands the idiosyncrasies of compensation, and can assure you get compensated for losses including medical expenses, loss of earnings, and injuries caused by the accident.
A car accident attorney in Philadelphia understands how to position your case so that you are represented whether it’s a structured settlement, medical claim, or other compensation .
Your personal injury attorney will advise you if you have to provide medical evidence. In some states, you can make a claim if you fall under one of the following:
A family member or loved person is maimed or killed
Injury involves fractured bone or multiple fractures
The injured suffers a permanent disfigurement or incapacitation
Injury includes the loss of a sense/senses
Victim suffers the loss of a limb
Debilitating injuries such as spinal or brain injury are a result of the accident
Seek counsel from a qualified and experienced car accident attorney in Philadelphia as soon as possible following the incident. An experienced car accident lawyer can help you to get the compensation you deserve to cover any costs incurred due to the accident, such as medical expenses.
Your attorney will evaluate your potential for compensation for pain, suffering and injury. Medical evidence of injury caused by the accidents can help the case.
Regardless of whether you think you have grounds to make a claim, a lawyer can determine the viability of your case based on the facts and evidence.
We offer a free initial consultation. You can find out whether you have grounds to during our initial evaluation.
Were You Injured
In a Car Accident?
Get in Touch
Be sure to seek both medical and legal assistance immediately following an accident. Call car accident attorney in Philadelphia Anthony Caiazzo today at (215)465-5575 for your best chance. Delaying the process could mean a delay in diagnosis or treatment, and could also make the difference between a successful claim and ineligibility to file for compensation against the person responsible for your injuries and loss
Caiazzo Law focuses on personal injury cases in Southern Philadelphia, also know as South Philly, including these neighborhoods as defined by Wikipedia:
Bella Vista: North to South Street, South to Washington Avenue, West to 11th Street, East to 6th Street
Devil’s Pocket: Irish neighborhood west of Grays Ferry Avenue
Dickinson Narrows – Diverse neighborhood. Washington to Mifflin, 4th to 6th.
East Passyunk Crossing: North to Tasker Street, South to Snyder Avenue, West to Broad Street, East to 9th Street
Grays Ferry: north to Gray’s Ferry Ave., south to Passyunk Ave., west to the Schuylkill River, east to 24th St.
Hawthorne: from South St. to Washington Ave., Broad St. to 11th St.
Italian Market: along 9th St. from Fitzwater St. in the north to Wharton St. in the south.
Lower Moyamensing
Newbold: Washington Ave. to Passyunk Ave., and Broad St. to 18th St.
Passyunk Square: Washington Ave. to Tasker St., 6th St. to Broad St
Pennsport: locally referred to as “Two Street”, Penn’s Port is a predominantly Irish-American Catholic neighborhood.
Queen Village: north to Lombard St., south to Washington Ave., east to the Delaware River, west to 6th St.
Southwark: The limits of the district started on Cedar (South) St. and the Delaware River, and proceeded west to Passyunk Ave.; along the latter to Moyamensing Ave.; then by Keeler’s Lane to Greenwich Road; then to the Delaware River, and along the several courses of the same until reaching the beginning point again.
Southwest Center City / Graduate Hospital: north to South St. (Rittenhouse/Fitler), south to Washington Ave., east to Broad St. (Hawthorne), west to 24th St. (Gray’s Ferry))